This program converts HTML pages into images; and it can also be used with text and web archive files. There are 10 output formats to convert your web contents into, and every format has a range of properties (mainly, they differ in quality and level of compression). Thumbnails of web pages can also be created.
The program's graphical user interface is very simple, although very powerful. When you're saving output files, a template for the file names can be created. You can synchronize the date and time of creation, the source files can be deleted and other options can be applied. This is helpful when you're working with batches of files. All processed files get consistent names and properties. Output images can also be resized; and you can set output color mode and DPI resolution.
The following conversions are possible: HTML to GIF, BMP, PNG, JPG, TIFF, PCX, TGA, JP2 (JPEG 2000 Image), WBMP (Wirelles Bitmap), PDF. In addition, the program manages the following conversions: TXT to GIF, TXT to BMP, TXT to PNG, TXT to JPEG, TXT to TIFF, TXT to PCX, TXT to TGA, TXT to JP2, TXT to WBMP, TXT to PDF, and MHT (Web Archive File Format), MHT to BMP, MHT to GIFMHT to PNG, , MHT to JPEG, MHT to TIFF, MHT to PCX, MHT to TGA, MHT to JP2, MHT to WBMP, MHT to PDF.